Pay It Forward

I heard once that when you do a good deed for someone, it releases endorphins in their body, stimulating their pleasure sensors, making them feel good. Apparently, it works this way for the good samaritan too, and anyone who witnesses the act of kindness-ultimately bringing pleasure to all. I believe in this, and it is the reason for sharing this story..

We were headed into the city JUST for the day,so we could get our vaccines for Thailand when the car broke down on a major street. Pulling the car over to the nearest side street, we stalled in a no-parking zone of a reguarly ticketed area. It wasn't looking good..

Long story short, we had to replace the alternator
(not cheap), and we got the car the next day. However-where the story lies,is in between that time!

We were 40 minutes from home, with no way to get back, and we knew noone we could stay with closer than 30 minutes away, and no way to get there either! We were also running on limited cash flow, and we were on a tight time crunch to get to our vaccination appointment which could not be missed. We were extremely lucky, and now so grateful- because so many people helped us in so many ways. Although it was stressful, expensive and exhausting, the day didnt turn out so bad..Even the smallest of collaborative efforts completely turned our day around for the better!

Thank you to everyone who helped to lighten the load on
our disastrous day: Briana, Jess, Dad, Karen, Frank etc.

Dear Karen "Mayfair":
Thank you for such warm generosity, for welcoming us into your home,
 and giving endless attempts to find us a boost! (Thanks to Liam too!), and of course the tea, snacks--and ride to our appointment.You are a very nice lady, it was a pleasure to meet you. You really made an impression on our day, Thank you again, and all the best to you and your family. Who knows, maybe we will see you across the world, sometime!

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