Project Home

We found this older home in a nice quiet neighborhood. It needed a little cosmetic work, but good bones is what we were looking for. My favourite features of the house are; the front porch (which is huge!and has built in benches that stretch across it),  the new cherry colored floors that run throughout the upstairs and downstairs living areas. and last but not least the beautiful over-sized windows all over the house. Indoor light is really important to me, both for the health of my plants, and my sanity! This is a house, not a dragons den!  

This barren house was saying "SAVE ME! DECORATE ME!"

An otherwise boring galley kitchen-
 but some unique custom made cabinets!

Time to get rid of those blinds (ick!)
and put some fresh paint on these walls!

Now for the FuN part..

"Grape Green" for the kitchen walls, "Bamboo" for the livingroom!

A little paint never hurt anybody

The transformation is beginning..

Living the Question

"I beg you...You are so young!
You stand before beginnings...have patience with everything that
remains unsolved in your heart.
Try to love the questions themselves,
like locked rooms and like a book written in a foreign language.
Do not now look for the answers.
They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them.
It is a question of experiencing everything.
At present you need to live the question."

During my travels, I always, always keep a notebook near me. I try to read as much as I can when I travel, and being on the road always seems to lead me to great stories of all sorts that I dont think I would have come across if I had not been at that place, at that time. When travelling, one feels compelled to dive into a private world of imagination that only books can provide, and some things I read, I write down so that when the trip is over and done with, I will not forget the things I loved most!

I was looking through some of these notebooks, and its literally like looking back in time! Some of my best memories are in these notebooks. Some pages are filled with my planned travel itenerary, train schedules, places to see etc. Others have quotes from people I met along the way, or little excerpts from books I was reading at the time.

This poem above is an excerpt I came across recently that really caught my eye and resonated with me (a second time!). It must have resonated with me at the time since I jotted it down, but even now there is something new about it that intrigues me. It is from a book called "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke. ( A late 1800s-early 1900s Bohemian-Austrian poet)

I thought this was a very interesting book. It is compiled of letters R.M. Rilke wrote to a young man  who was about to join the military in Germany and can be read online @ : 

China Town, Montreal

These are some random pictures of my first trip ever (!) going to Montreal, what I like to call- The City of Love. I love, love, love Montreal! Looking back on my first time there is like looking back a hundred years ago. It seems like I am so much more used to it now,...but still, I am equally curious and compelled by it. There is something amazing about Montreal!!!

All of the chaos blends together- the people, the music, the art, the language, it is all so beautiful.It's all mixing together. I think that is what makes it so different from other cities where segregation seems to be the main theme. Plus I love French people and old European style of the city! Oh and buying wine or beer at the convenient store, I think thats great. Or when they legally sell beer in the streets at the Jazzfest. Oh I could go on forever!

Above Picture: Thats me on the left inside an old-fashioned Chinese pharmacy, otherwise known as an Apothecary. The walls are lined with dried roots, flowers, leaves and stems of plants, which are are believed by the Chinese to heal many different ailments, from high blood pressure to the common cold. I was there to buy something which would aid my mom in quitting smoking. I did find what I was looking for, and gave it to my mom for Christmas. Unfortunately she still smokes.

In China Town in front of a temple
What a great day this was! Just bought a Chinese parasol!

A Fundraiser for the East Africa Drought

 Other then the usual (but still awesome) get-togethers with friends, and a dinner/cake with family I wanted to do something REALLY different for my birthday this year. I first thought, "Okay, what do I love that makes me happy?" Immediately I thought-- MONTREAL! 
 So we started planning a birthday for me in Montreal-checking out fancy hotels online, planning to go to the TamTams (that awesome drum circle every Sunday, I will post pics of that soon!) visiting the beautiful Eastern Townships, like Sutton etc. As I was looking at all of my options online, I felt overwhelmed by the choices.What hotel to pick? What day to go to China town? Drive or take the bus? etc. It seemed that the privelage of choice was my enemy, not my friend!

Then, thankfully, a segment came onto CBC about the drought in the Horn of Africa. This is being described as the largest and more severe human crisis in the world.  To learn more about the East Africa Drought or how you can help please visit:

Keeping track of the donations we raised!

Right then and there, I felt so wrong.
I thought,

 "Here I am..not a care in the world, stressing out because I dont know which fancy hotel to choose, or how to spend my money next! On the other hand, these people are starving to death. From what Ive read and heard on the news, all of their fields are dried up, all the livestock has died of thirst or hunger, all of the crop seeds have been exchanged for water/ eaten as a last resort/ or just all used up. All in all, it seems almost hopeless.

 I was especially saddened when I heard that it may actually wipe out an entire generation of children and that many young children are dying from the starvation, and also Cholera which has recently broken out in some of the refugee camps. Worst of all, some of the areas in most urgent need are militant-controlled and groups like the UN are having trouble reaching the refugee camps without endangering their own lives. After hearing about their world...that they have to live in everyday..Then, I really didnt give a care in the world about the hotel in Montreal, and all that stuff anymore.
 I dont know why, but I thought to have a fundraiser party via my birthday party. After all, if I wanted something for my birthday, it was to send some help to these people in dire straits. Why not have a good time with everyone and have games still, but use them to raise money for this cause? One idea lead to the next and the next thing I know, I did it!

 I raised 1265$ for The East Africa Drought! (with the help of all generous donors of course) I really feel like a drop in the water can do something. I urge everyone to DO SOMETHING.
My mom and I at my place the day of the Fundraiser. Before all the balloons
got bought and popped! She won the Grand Prize on The Balloon Stomp too!

I soon found out that having a fundraiser means raising money with some thing. I racked my brains for things that I have seen at other fundraisers, and just went with it! We decided to have a BBQ lunch/dinner patio/outdoor kinda party-the weather couldnt have been better so it all worked out.

Ray jammin for us, awesome as usual

Ways We Brought In Money;
  • Door Raffle, Prize: A Homemade Blueberry Pie
  • Balloon Stomp, Prizes: mini toys, shot glasses & "Drunken camels", dares! (hilarious!) a martini shaker set, raffle tickets, jello shots etc. 
  • Cassidys Putting Challenge-Prizes; ask Scott 
  • All you can eat lunch/dinner
  • J-ello Shots! 
Mom and her new
32 pc. martini shakin set!

 I love this pic, Selena in her Samoli frock, my beautiful
 Djebe drum and Bri crackin up for who knows why!

  We had about 15 people turn out, which was only 1/4 of the people I invited, but I was still pleasantly surprised at how money we raised, and we definitely met our goal of raised 1000$!  In the end I had a great time, and all the work was worth it. We were able to raise a total of 1265$, Roughly $1000 from donations that were matched by the government at that time, and a bit more than 200$ from the food, games and raffle! 

The money was evenly divided between 3 Canadian Charities; 
  • The Canadian Red Cross
  • The Huminitarian Coalition
  •  MSF ( Medicins Sans Frontieres)

********THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that turned out, it made my day!
********AND THANK YOU for all of the very generous donations.  :)
A Wise man once said, "I don't think I would trust a person who didn't like Led Zeppelin".